Saturday, 21 December 2019

Secret Santa at DICS Computer Institute

Secret Santa is a tradition followed by people in many western countries. According to this tradition, a group of people exchange gifts, cards and many more things with each other and keep the giver’s name secret. They don’t disclose the names. Person who received the gift has to guess the name. This is the small overview of Secret Santa. Delhi Institute of Computer Science (DICS Computer Institute) is an organization where a lot of kids come to learn. There are more than 29 different computer courses available in here and every day institute works from 7.30AM to 7.00PM. During this time faculties take multiple batches.

During this festival Season, DICS Computer Institute decided to do something for kids who are studying in institute. The institute organized Secret Santa event for everyone in organization including, faculty staff, Management Staff, Administrative Staff along with students. Everyone is advised to show their best creativity and take part in secret Santa Event.

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